What is Stuttering?

Stuttering is an interruption of the flow and rhythm of speech. Sometimes, a stutterer can display other behaviours such as grunts, blinking, grimaces or use of fillers (um/er) as part of the fluency disorder.

Our speech pathologists are experts in children's stuttering and offer personalised assessments and treatments. Speech and Feeding Co is dedicated to providing transformative solutions and assisting children in achieving fluency.

Speech and therapy clinic in Sydney specializing in stuttering treatment
Speech and Feeding therapy clinic provides specialized care to help children improve their communication and feeding skills

Causes of stuttering

Unfortunately, the exact cause of stuttering is unknown. Some people may be predisposed to stuttering if it runs in their family. Others can be the only person in their family to stutter. Stuttering can affect people of all ages and often begins in childhood, usually by the age of 3. For some, the onset of stuttering is slow and gradual, over days, weeks or months. For others, stuttering can begin in a matter of hours.

What impact will stuttering have on my child?

As children begin to be aware of their stuttering, it can cause frustration or anxiety. Children may be teased by their peers and have difficulties in social situations due to the interruption of their fluency. As they get older, anxiety can increase and stuttering can affect the academic and career choices of young adults. This may result in avoidance of or withdrawal from certain social situations.

Sydney's Premier Stuttering and Speech Clinic
Sydney's Premier Stuttering and Speech Clinic

What impact will stuttering have on my child?

As children begin to be aware of their stuttering, it can cause frustration or anxiety. Children may be teased by their peers and have difficulties in social situations due to the interruption of their fluency. As they get older, anxiety can increase and stuttering can affect the academic and career choices of young adults. This may result in avoidance of or withdrawal from certain social situations.

Stuttering and Speech Therapy in Sydney

I've been told to wait and see if my child recovers on his own. When should I seek therapy?

Typically, treatment should begin within one year after the onset of stuttering during the preschool years as the effectiveness of treatment decreases for older children. Recent research has shown that not many children will recover from stuttering within that one-year period after onset.

Get expert guidance from Sydney's best speech pathologists for your child's unique needs. Our team is here to help.

Reference: Speech Pathology Australia Stuttering Factsheet, Australian Stuttering Research Centre

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